The pole programme for competitiveness is a local way of economic development within the frame of European and local development strategies.
The trends:
The economic performance of the South Transdanubian region was on a breaking point of Hungarian regional differences, far behind the dynamic regions and getting closer to the lagging eastern regions.
Every single aspect in the region defining the direction and dynamics of territorial development was characterized by regression and negative signs:
The acceleration of economic development is basically a structural matter. The structural modernization has to be based on the internal capabilities of the region by also satisfying the needs for sustainable global competitiveness.
It was possible to define the regional economic development possibilities by examining and reallocating the internal aspects and compare these to the clear European economic development directions:
The industrial structure of the region was characterized by a growing proportion of the mechanical engineering industry as well as the relatively stable percentage of the power, light and food industry. None of these four branches is able to play a driving role of structural art in the region. The industrial-organizational system of the region was characterized by small and medium enterprises unable to achieve a break-through on the market, while the complete lack of integrative bigger companies. Due to the described structural and organisational system the existing regional industry had no capital attraction and absorption capabilities. Traditional economic development techniques have not brought take-off opportunities either.
The take-off opportunity, the reindustrialization (meaning the reorganization of the local economy) was only possible using a development strategy that is based on a wider fundament taking into account the current and future directions of competitiveness. This could only mean the „Pole strategy” based on the capabilities and opportunities of the centre of the region by also considering the potentials of the whole region. The strategy is based on the thought that in a world of globalizing economy changes should not be treated but initiated.
The strategic goal is to guide developments into the same direction and into an integrated system,
In the frame of the strategy, according to the priorities defined in the general development policy the city and the county seeks to achieve following goals:
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