Komlói ipariparkThe town of Komló has been through radical economic changes in the last fifteen years. After mining was abandoned, several new enterprises with completely different profiles took over. Some of these basically make new use of the old mine premises. The industrial park was founded in 1999, at the industrial area near the former lower mineshaft. The first tenants were privatised businesses from the supporting companies of the Mecsek Coalmines, and a dozen of other companies have joined them since. The majority owner of the managing company is Komló town, hence most of the investments are financed by the local government. Standing out from previous years’ continuous developments is the 150-million HUF tender programme, the contract preparations of which is already running. The costs are halved between the town and the European Union. More roads and pavements will have been built and rainwater drainage problems will have been solved by the end of the project. The industrial park has been built on a 25-hectare area as brownfield investment. Approximately two-thirds of this has already been occupied by tenats, but more than 6 hectares are still at our future investors’ disposal.

Attracting investors

  • Existing infrastructure: electricity is supplied through own transformer, the natural gas, water and wastewater networks are accessible and the cables of a modern communications network have already been laid.
  • Public lighting.
  • Existing inner road layout.
  • Proximity of the Komló railway station.
  • Counselling services for potential partners to facilitate their site change – on technical, legal, financial, environmental, quality management problems that might arise meanwhile.

Incoming businesses

Presently there are almost two dozen enterprises operating in the industrial park with different profiles. They provide locals and inhabitants from nearby settlements with work and means of livelihood. The park will incorporate all activities that do not contradict the principles of town planning and legislation in force, therefore almost every business may enjoy the benefits it provides.

Main profiles

  • engineering industry
  • plastics industry
  • metal industry (manufacturing, surface treatment)
  • service industry (warehousing, transport, wholesale)
  • electrical industry



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya
H-7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. 36.
Phone: +36 72 507 149

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